Elon Musk Removes All Legacy Blue Ticks, Allows Some Celebrities To Retain

New Delhi: Twitter erupted in an uproar on Friday when Elon Musk finally removed all legacy verified accounts with the blue check mark, but allowed some celebrities to keep it. In India, one has to pay Rs 900 per month (or Rs 9,400 per year) to get Blue Verified status.

As more than 4 million legacy verified users say goodbye to the blue check mark, some celebrities have been offered complimentary Twitter Blue memberships “on behalf of Musk.” ,Also Read: PF Account Balance: Here Are 4 Ways To Check Without Internet,

“I’m personally paying for something,” Musk said. “Just William Shatner, LeBron James and Stephen King,” he said. ,Also read: AI shows what the world will look like just before it ends,

Stephen King tweeted: “My Twitter account says I’m subscribed to Twitter Blue. I haven’t. My Twitter account says I’ve given a phone number. I haven’t.” Musk replied: “You’re welcome. Namaste.”

The Pope was downgraded along with Beyoncé, Kim Kardashian and Oprah Winfrey. Rihanna and Taylor Swift still had blue ticks but not sure whether they bought it or Musk let them.

Actress Halle Berry tweeted, “I’m unapologetically joining you all tomorrow.”