Election Commission started exercise for elections in 5 states. India News – Times of India

New Delhi: In a clear indication that the announcement of elections in five states – UP, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur – may not be too far away, Election commission will begin his traditional tour for election states To assess starting from Punjab on Wednesday election preparation and discuss the relevant issues with the stakeholders before finalizing the voting schedule.
Sources told TOI that the commission, which includes the Chief Election Commissioner Sushil Chandra And Election Commissioners Rajiv Kumar and Anup Chandra Pandey are likely to visit Goa and then Uttarakhand next week. time though Election Commission’s pre-poll tour of UP It is being finalized now, it is understood that this may happen soon after the commission’s visit to Uttarakhand.
There are indications that the election could be announced as early as January 2022. The Election Commission has already asked the polling states to expedite the publication of the updated rolls with January 1, 2022 as the reference date. While some states have promised to publish the revised rolls on January 1 itself, UP is expected to publish its rolls on January 5, 2022. The Election Commission generally prefers to wait till the revised rolls for all the electoral states are published before proceeding. With election announcement, however, it is not mandatory.
The Election Commission visits polling states to collect inputs from the state administration regarding factors such as local festivals, weather conditions, agricultural cycles, law and order situation as well as the need for central forces. covid protocol, and also to listen to political parties election concerns,
A final meeting is also held with top officials of the Home Ministry to assess the availability of central forces for the elections. All these discussions help the Election Commission to finalize the dates as well as the number of phases over which the voting will be disseminated.
As per the indications, the actual polling may start in February and as per the previous examples, the assembly elections in UP may be held in around 6-8 phases lasting for almost a month.
The term of the Assembly in the five poll-polled states ends from March 15 to May 14 next year. Since it is a standard practice for the Election Commission to hold elections in states where the expiration dates of their assemblies are close together, the poll panel will only bring forward elections in UP for a few months on May 14, 2022. , The Election Commission will consider completing polling for all states at least one week before March 15, 2020.
As per the law, the Election Commission can hold elections in the state at any time within six months from the end of the term of the current assembly.
