EJC head: Without Israel’s help, Diaspora communities will disappear

One of the most senior European Jewish leaders said on Thursday that, if the Israeli government does not support European Jewish communities financially, many of them will disappear.

in an interview with jerusalem post, European Jewish Congress (EJC) President Ariel Composer Said: “We have more or less learned over the past weeks that the Israeli government is not interested in dialogue with the diaspora.”

Musiciant explained that the distaste was not obvious, but “it’s what you feel.” He added that under his leadership the EJC believes that the organization should not criticize the Israeli government from abroad, but when visiting Israel personally and with relevant officials.

“On the other hand,” he said, “somebody should discuss us and listen to us, because there are issues that cannot be decided without us,” like the Law of Return. “When I talk to representatives of the Israeli government, they tell me, ‘Why don’t you make aliyah so you can talk with us?’ It’s frustrating, because nobody really listens anymore; not in Israel and not in the diaspora.

The future of European juries

One of the issues Muzikent is deeply concerned about is the future of European Jewish communities. “We have statistics that show that a large number of Jews will disappear in the next 30 to 40 years. 50% of the Jewish community will no longer exist,” he said. “When you talk about this with the Israeli authorities, They are surprised at first and then they say, ‘Okay, what do you expect from us?’ Everyone talks about antisemitism, but no one is talking about the complete loss of Jewish education, identity and the Jewish people.

Pastor Stan Kamps waves an Israeli flag in Amsterdam as part of a campaign to fight anti-Semitism in Europe and show solidarity with the European Jewry (Credit: Courtesy)

“When you come in and say, okay, let’s discuss a program or strategy, everyone says ‘yes,’ but the next step is never done,” he said, adding that Jewish Agency and with Amichai Chikli, Minister of Overseas Affairs. “I’ve been talking to all these people and everyone is very friendly, but the question is, what’s going to happen?

“If we don’t act together now, 50% of small Jewish communities in Europe and America will disappear. Jews may still live in these cities in a few decades, but the infrastructure and critical mass of Jews in the Diaspora will no longer be there. Will be

Muzicant created an emergency program for the European jury in consultation with local Jewish communities across the continent.

He said that there are two ways to avert the impending loss: Jewish education and strengthening ties with Israel. “Israel is not only a fight between right and left or Jews and Palestinians, but much more. There are programs that are currently in jeopardy due to funding or lack thereof. We have to increase them, as well as develop new programs and bring more and more Jews to Israel to learn about, understand Israel, and to rebuild the Jewish identity of European Jews.

Muzikent said that they tried to find partners for these projects in Israel, but were unsuccessful. “It’s not easy. I confronted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with this problem 15 years ago; he didn’t listen to me then. I don’t know who to talk to now.

Muzicant stated that he “wants to increase Jewish education everywhere. We need Jewish teachers, we obviously need money, as well as professional support.”

Muzicant noted that the number of Jewish children attending Jewish schools across Europe varies by country. In Austria, it is 60% [of Jewish children enlisted in Jewish schools], in France it is 40%. If you go to Italy or Germany, it’s much less,” he said.

They shared that they “succeeded in convincing the European Commission that promoting Jewish life is as important today as protecting communities. We have funding from the European Commission, but not yet from Israel.

Muzicant said it would need “hundreds of millions of euros”. It is also the diaspora that has built and supported Israel for 125 years. He said the paradigm has changed – now Israel must invest and support Diaspora Jewish Community. “Now it has to go the other way. If it doesn’t, the migrants are going to disappear. It is a crime to allow this to happen.

He said that there is also a shortage of rabbis. “We are cooperating with the Conference of European Rabbis. We plan to enhance existing ones and build seminaries for rabbis and teachers.” He said he expected to receive funding for these initiatives from the Austrian and German governments and that there are madrassas in these countries.