Eight Foods That Help Boost Your Mood

Food plays an important role in one’s health. Healthy eating prevents the risk of physical health problems. Our food choices affect our mood, sleeping patterns, energy levels and overall general health. While some foods elevate your mood, energy and concentration levels, others can have the opposite effect.

“Foods play a major role in balancing our various moods – either happy, angry, anxious, sad or sad,” said dietitian Jyoti Bhatt of Jaslok Hospital and Research Center in a conversation with The Indian Express. He said researchers have studied certain foods that may be linked to brain health.

As the English daily reports, here is a list of some of the foods and nutrients that play a role in boosting mood.

Dark chocolate: Cocoa is rich in tryptophan which the brain uses to produce serotonin, a hormone important for stabilizing mood.

Green tea: It helps in boosting brain function. The amount of caffeine present in it helps a person to feel alert and also improves memory.

Bell peppers are an essential nutrient for brain function and development. It also helps the body produce mood-affecting hormones.

Omega-3 rich foods help reduce depression and other mental and behavioral conditions. Nuts, flax seeds, salmon and chia seeds are well-known sources.

Fermented foods such as buttermilk, sauerkraut, miso, vegetables and yogurt are important for maintaining gut health as they are rich in probiotics. These are important to lift one’s mood.

Nuts are loaded with many minerals, vitamins, magnesium and also have antioxidant properties. They are considered equally important to lift one’s mood.

Green leafy vegetables such as fenugreek and spinach contain the B-vitamin folate, and a deficiency in the B-vitamin folate can interfere with the metabolism of dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline.

Caffeine is great for improving one’s mood and performance by releasing dopamine, a brain chemical. If caffeine makes you irritable, depressed, or sleepless, choose a low-caffeine drink like black tea or green tea.

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