Economics Prize unexpected Nobel season ends – Times of India

Stockholm: Nobel Economics Prize The Nobel session came to an end on Monday, with many women receiving the traditionally male-dominated prizes.
According to experts interviewed by AFP, macroeconomics, health and the labor market are some of the favorite topics ahead of the announcement.
The final prize of the year, officially the Sveriges Riksbank (Sweden’s central bank) Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, will be announced at 11:45 am (0945 GMT).
In this Nobel season, only one woman has won – Philippine journalist Maria Rassa who won the Peace Prize on Friday – while the economics prize has so far been given to only two women in history, Elinor Ostrom in 2009 and Esther Duflo in 2019.
American Anne Kruger, first number two and briefly managing director at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), as well as former vice president of economics and research at the World Bank, is a likely winner.
At 87, she is “getting old, which is usually not a hindrance to winning a Nobel Prize”, Michael Dahlen, professor of marketing at the Stockholm School of Economics, told AFP.
Her compatriot Claudia Goldin, whose research has focused on inequality and the female labor force, is another favorite to become the third woman to receive the award.
Other potential female winners are fellow American Janet Curry, best known for her work on the impact of government anti-poverty programs on children, or Marianne Bertrand, a Belgian labor economist and American microeconomist. Susan AtheyShe was the first woman to win the prestigious John Bates Clark Medal in 2007.
However, like any Nobel, it is a challenge to accurately predict the winner because the committee has too many economists to choose from.
“There are about 250-300 serious candidates,” wrote Hubert Fromlet, an affiliated professor at Linnaeus University in Sweden, in a paper predicting the likely winners.
Noting that the entire selection process, including nominations, has happened during the Covid-19 pandemic, Dahlen said it would also be “very timely” to focus on an economist like Paul Slovic.
Slovic is a professor of psychology at the University of Oregon, who has looked at how people weigh risk, and introduced the concept of “mental numbness,” the apathy that can be established when people face an enormous disaster. have to do.
It may also be time to make headlines in the field of macroeconomics, especially given the economic fallout of the pandemic and the historic zero-interest policies of central banks around the world even before Covid-19.
Roger W Garrison will be the frontrunner for Dahlen.
According to Clarivate, which maintains a list of potential Nobel laureates, other potential macroeconomists who may be honored are Nobuhiro Kiyotaki of Japan and his time-course UK writing partner John Moore.
In the context of financial woes, American Douglas Diamond has also been cited as a likely candidate.
Another frequently mentioned economist is believed to be Israeli-American Joshua Angrist, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor who specializes in labor economics and the economics of education, and who has also contributed to the field. of econometrics, possibly with Canadian labor economist David Card.
French economists Olivier Blanchard, former chief economist of the IMF, and Thomas Piketty, who rose to prominence with their book “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”, have also attracted attention.
But that would be a “controversial choice” given the disagreements about Piketty’s findings, according to Fromlet.
Last year, the honor went to American economist Paul Milgrom. robert wilson For his work on the principles of auctions as well as inventing new auction formats.
The Economics Prize was not the only prize among the original five set out by the will of Alfred Nobel, who died in 1896.
Instead it was created in 1968 through a donation from the Swedish central bank, and opponents have dubbed it a “false Nobel”.
The prize will kick off the 2021 Nobel season, which has so far seen the peace prize awarded to Ressa, who is also a US citizen, and fellow Russian journalist Dmitry Muratov.
The literary prize was won by Tanzanian-born novelist Abdulrajak Gurnah.
The drug prize, which opened earlier this week, went to American scientists David Julius and Ardem Patpoutian for discoveries on the receptors for temperature and touch.
The Chemistry Prize was awarded to Benjamin List of Germany and David Macmillan, a Scottish-American, for their work on catalysts.
For the first time, two climate scientists, Japanese-American scientists got the prize of physics thanks manabe and Germany’s Klaus Hasselmann, with the second half of the prize going to Italy’s Giorgio Paris.
