EC Dismisses Congress’ Charge That EVMs Used In Karnataka Were Deployed in South Africa

New Delhi: The Election Commission (EC) has rejected the Congress party’s claim that the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) used in the May 10 Karnataka Assembly elections were first deployed in South Africa and asked the party to “rumour monger”. to bring to justice those who targeted him. with false information.

In a letter addressed to AICC in-charge of Karnataka Randeep Singh Surjewala, the Election Commission said it had used new EVMs manufactured by Electronics Corporation of India Ltd for the elections in the southern state.

Congress wrote a letter to the Election Commission regarding EVM

The Congress had written to the poll panel on May 8, seeking clarification raising concerns over the deployment of EVMs already deployed in South Africa in the Karnataka election without going through the process of re-evaluation and re-verification.

“Concern arises from the fact that this Honorable Commission has deployed EVMs which were previously deployed for elections in South Africa. We have been informed of this by various sources, including the fact that all EVMs have come back directly from South Africa without being checked. Process of re-verification and re-verification by proper software/mechanism by the manufacturer IE ECIL and also certification by EC. This puts the entire verification process of EVMs in serious doubt. is,” Surjewala said.

Citing records, the poll panel said the Congress had specific knowledge that only new ECIL-manufactured EVMs would be used in Karnataka. It added that Congress representatives participated in each and every stage of EVM movement and commissioning for the Karnataka elections.

EVMs not used in Africa: Election Commission

The poll panel insisted that it never sent EVMs to South Africa. It also said that EVMs are not used in elections in that country, which can be easily verified through the website of the Electoral Commission of South Africa. “As such, there is no question of any machine used by the Election Commission in the Karnataka Assembly elections, which could have been used in the elections in South Africa or anywhere in the world.

The poll panel said, “All EVMs to be used in Karnataka Elections, 2023 are new EVMs of ECIL. This fact is in full knowledge of Congress.” The Election Commission wrote, “The Election Commission has never imported EVMs from any country.” It told Surjewala that such a question raised by a Member of Parliament of “your standing” was surprising as the actual information was in the exclusive knowledge of his party.

“It is duty-bound to answer all questions of an MP representing a national political party,” the Election Commission said, noting with concern that the Congress has chosen to rely on “sources” and even Has also considered seeking ‘clarification’. Two days before polling.

The Election Commission said it withdrew the immediate reply keeping in mind the 46-hour ‘silence period’, which began at 6 pm on May 8 and ended on Wednesday evening. “The factual basis of the information provided by “various sources” in relation to South Africa apparently non-existent clearly empowers the INC, the entity targeted by the false information, to publicize such mischievous sources. To expose.

Congress should take action against those spreading rumours: Election Commission

“Furthermore, you may ensure that those spreading such rumours, are brought to justice so that Congress’s long-standing reputation as a responsible stakeholder of the Indian electoral system is dented,” the EC letter said. Don’t get hurt.” The commission said it expected to receive confirmation of the action taken by the party by 5:00 pm on May 15.

The counting of votes for the Karnataka elections will take place on May 13.