Easy access to porn among young adolescents worries Child Welfare Committee Mangaluru News – Times of India

Mangaluru: child welfare committee (CWC) is seeing a rise in cases where children aged 12-16, including girls, have easy access to porn sites or clips.
Information about online safety is everywhere, yet parents underestimate how much porn a teen or child has viewed, CWC president said Slide D’Souza.
Renee told TOI, “There is no doubt that porn viewing among 12-16 year olds is on the rise. With online education, there are instances where children are constantly on the phone, facing cyberbullying, sexting, watching inappropriate content. and exposes risks such as sharing and contact with a stranger. From April to July of this year, we have found four cases of pornography related to this age group and they have told us that at least 15 other children are in it, And we are investigating. We have also observed that easy access to pornographic material, along with the curiosity factor, is driving children to attain early sexual maturity.”
Renee said there are also instances where content is shared among groups of friends and children are eager to experiment.
“We have discussed the issue Deputy Commissioner KV Rajendra How to spread awareness among parents. After that, District Child Protection Unit He has been asked to organize a meeting with the experts. The need of the hour is to address parents on online tools that allow them to control children’s access to adult content and protect them from internet predators,” he said.
Easy access through dark net
According to cyber security expert Anant Prabhu, there have been many cases of blackmailing of teenagers on social media platforms. “Despite the ban, access to pornography is easy through the dark web,” he told TOI.


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