Earth and Sun will be closest today: at 12.09 pm the distance between the two will be the shortest, heat will start increasing

New Delhi14 hours ago

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Today i.e. on Tuesday, January 4, our Earth will be closest to the Sun this year. At 12.09 pm the earth will be at the closest point to the sun. This distance will be reduced to 14 crore 71 lakh 5 thousand 52 km. In science, this principle is called perihelion.

Six months later, on July 4, 2022, Earth will be farthest from the Sun this year. Then this distance will be 15 crore 20 lakh 98 thousand 4 hundred 55 km, this principle is called aphelion.

On July 4, the Sun and Earth will be at a distance of 15.20 million km.  This will be the longest distance between the two this year.

On July 4, the Sun and Earth will be at a distance of 15.20 million km. This will be the longest distance between the two this year.

The distance between the Earth and the Sun does not determine the seasons
N Sri Raghunandan Kumar, Director, Planetary Society, India, said that people think that the distance between the Sun and the Earth determines the weather and temperature. it is not true. While revolving around the Sun, the Earth is inclined about 23.5 degrees on its axis. Because of this, the seasons change.

Due to the tilt, at some point of time, the part of the earth on which the sun’s rays are falling directly, there is heat and where the rays fall oblique, there is a feeling of cold. Along with this, the temperature is affected by many factors including air pressure, winds coming from the desert.

While revolving around the Sun, the Earth is inclined about 23.5 degrees on its axis.  Because of this, the seasons change.

While revolving around the Sun, the Earth is inclined about 23.5 degrees on its axis. Because of this, the seasons change.

Winter will gradually subside in the North Pole
The beginning of the year in January is the winter season in most countries of the North Pole and the summer at the South Pole. At this time the Earth is closest to the Sun. Now the distance between the Earth and the Sun will gradually increase. In July, the two will be farthest.

In July, when the Earth is farthest from the Sun, the summer season prevails in India and surrounding countries. It is clear from this that the distance between the Sun and the Earth does not change the seasons, but changes due to the tilt of the Earth on its axis while orbiting the Sun.

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