Ear infection is common during monsoon, follow these tips to avoid it

After the severe heat wave, almost every part of the country is eagerly waiting for some respite from the monsoon. But did you know that the arrival of monsoon increases the risk of microbial infection. Fungal spores multiply rapidly in humid weather, making fungal infections very common during the rainy season. Apart from the skin and eyes, there are increasing cases of such infections affecting the ears, making it necessary to incorporate some measures to avoid such infections.

In an interview with Hindustan Times, ENT specialist, Apollo Spectra Mumbai, Dr Ankit Jain reveals the causes of ear infection and shares some symptoms that should be taken seriously.

Explaining how humidity is responsible for ear infections, Dr Ankit Jain said, “Too much humidity can be a breeding ground for bacteria causing fungal infections. Debris in the ear and traces of earbuds can also make you a victim of ear infection. A fungal infection of the ear called otomycosis also affects the ear.”

In addition to some scabies, some allergies can also lead to infections, along with colds and flu. Giving details of the same, the health expert said, “Also, bacteria like Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae are the factors behind bacterial ear infections. Although cases of bacterial infection occur throughout the year, they increase rapidly during the rainy season.

Some symptoms of ear infection that you should take seriously are swelling, burning, itching, clogged ears, earache, watery discharge, dizziness, severe headache, hearing loss and even fever.

There are a few ways you can adopt to avoid this type of infection during the monsoon season:

  1. You should keep your ears clean and dry during the rainy season. For this you can use dry and clean cotton cloth.
  2. Stay away from earbuds and cotton swabs, as cotton swabs in damp weather can trap bacteria and spread to your ear.
  3. Since throat infection can spread rapidly in our ear, you should take proper care of your throat by avoiding cold food and drinks.
  4. As much as we love using earphones, it becomes extremely important to keep them clean to avoid infection. You can use disinfectant spray to completely sanitize it.
  5. Routine check up with ENT specialist after every 6 months should never be missed.

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