Due to snowfall in Himachal, nights will be cold till Delhi: Temperature dropped by 3 to 4 degrees in Punjab-Haryana, mercury will drop further before Diwali

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  • North India shivered due to snowfall in Himachal Pradesh, 3 to 4 degree drop in temperature in neighboring states

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Tourists stooping amid the snow in Rohtang.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Tourists stooping amid the snow in Rohtang.

The effect of snowfall in the upper areas of Himachal Pradesh is visible till Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi. The temperature here has dropped by 3 to 4 degrees. Due to this snowfall, the nights will now become increasingly cold in the plains. The temperature will also drop in the morning and evening. On the other hand, the weather remains bad in Himachal on Monday, October 18 and fresh snowfall is happening in the upper hills.

According to Surendra Pal, Scientist of Meteorological Center in Shimla, the period of fresh snowfall and rain in Himachal will continue till October 19. Due to this, there will be a sharp drop in the temperature in all the areas of Himachal. Before Diwali, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh adjoining Himachal Pradesh as well as New Delhi and Rajasthan will also get cold due to this snowfall.

Tourists arrived in Himachal from outside states.

Tourists arrived in Himachal from outside states.

3 From 4 degree dropped minimum temperature
According to the Meteorological Center, due to the fresh snowfall in Himachal, the minimum temperature in the plains and low-lying states has dropped by three to four degrees. Chandigarh is currently witnessing a minimum temperature of 20 degree Celsius, which will further drop in the coming days. Even in Amritsar, Punjab, the night temperature is currently hovering around 26 degrees. There will also be a decline in this. Other cities of Punjab like Pathankot, Ludhiana, Patiala, Bathinda, Jalandhar and Gurdaspur will also experience mild cold in the morning and evening. In Haryana also, the effect of snowfall is being seen in Himachal and here the temperature will drop further in the next two days. In Ambala, due to this snowfall, the temperature is expected to drop by 6 to 7 degrees. The mercury can drop to 4 degrees in Hisar, 7 degrees in Sirsa and 8 degrees in Kaithal.

Effect of snowfall in Delhi too
Delhiites will also feel the effect of fresh snowfall in the upper reaches of Himachal Pradesh. In the next day or two, the morning and evening temperature will drop here and the nights will also be cold. By the time of Diwali, the night cold will increase in Delhi.

ohNS snowfall in areas direct impact of
According to meteorologist Surendra Pal, the snowfall in the high mountainous areas has a direct effect on the plains. Although the effect of snowfall in Lahaul-Spiti, Rohtang and other areas of Himachal will be visible in the whole of North India, but due to its proximity, Chandigarh and its surrounding areas will start getting cold in the morning and evening throughout the week.

as much snow, for the time being that good
The Meteorological Department believes that the more snowfall in the higher mountainous areas at this time, the better it will be for the coming time. This ice will melt in the summer season next year and reach the dams through rivers in the form of water. Fresh snowfall is also good for apple areas in Himachal.

western disturbance and North East Monsoon from the union of snowfall

According to Surendra Pal, Scientist of Meteorological Center in Shimla, Western Disturbance is active in Himachal at present, which will remain active for a day or so. After colliding with this Western Disturbance, the North Eastern Monsoon winds dropped the temperature and started snowing. In some areas of North India where there is no monsoon rain, there is rain from the North Eastern Monsoon. Due to these winds reaching the Himalayas, there is fresh snowfall in the upper areas of Himachal and rain in the plains.

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