Driven by India’s efforts to curb carbon emissions: Bill Gates

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates on Sunday said he is inspired by India’s leadership and efforts to curb carbon emissions. He said that collective global action to address climate change is needed more than ever and India’s role and leadership is critical in ensuring that “we reach our goals. Climate Goals”.

Speaking at the launch of the ‘Lifestyle for the Environment (LIFE) Movement’ a global initiative, Gates stressed the need for innovative technologies and everyone’s participation to eliminate greenhouse gases.

“Ensuring that these innovative technologies are widely adopted will require not only major investments and partnerships between the private and public sectors, but also demand from individuals. Individual actions will send market signals that will help governments and businesses alike.” to invest in these innovations and build on the breakthroughs needed,” he said.

Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the LiFE movement and said that its vision is to live a lifestyle that is in harmony with our planet and does not harm it. “People who live such lifestyles are called pro-planetists,” he said in a video address, adding that “Mission Life” borrows from the past, operates in the present and focuses on the future. Is.

Congratulations to Modi ji

Gates congratulated Modi for leading a global initiative of citizen action to promote pro-climate behavior. “Together, we can build a green industrial revolution,” he said. Many other dignitaries participated in the program.

Professor Cass Sunstein, author of Nudge Theory, said that India and PM Modi have been world leaders in environmental protection, climate change and human behavior and that “many of us are looking to India for inspiration and ideas”.

“With over a billion people, and home to a thriving generation of innovation and entrepreneurship, India is the epicenter of global environmental action,” said Inger Andersen, head of the United Nations Environment Programme. Achim Steiner, the global head of the United Nations Development Program, said countries like India are acting as the kinetic energy behind decisive climate action on the world stage.

World Resources Institute CEO and President Ani Dasgupta said that India’s per capita consumption or emissions is about a third of the global average. “Therefore, the world needs to go where India is and not the other way around.” “India and other ancient societies have found ways to live with nature, take care of nature. That knowledge now needs to be part of the collective wisdom,” he said.

Published on

June 06, 2022