Drink these concoctions to lose weight while sleeping | The Times of India

This may be the tonic you are looking to fix your vision problems and reduce stress, and last but not the least losing weight. Yes, drinking a warm glass of milk with a mixture of almond, fennel and mishri is a great way to boost metabolism, improve digestion and eyesight. The presence of omega 3 fatty acids in almonds and antioxidants, dietary fibers in fennel may help in improving vision and help in regeneration of cells. It also helps in relaxing the nerves and reduces stress, anxiety and early signs of depression. If you are trying to lose weight, do not add mishri to the blend and enjoy it with honey or jaggery. Mix 4-5 almonds, crush them and add 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds, brew it on one glass of milk and enjoy with honey/jaggery/mishri.
