DRDO launches VL-SRSAM: Indian Navy successfully test-fired missile to protect warships from aerial threats

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DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) has successfully test-fired the VL-SRSAM missile on Friday. This test was done from the ship of Indian Navy off the coast of Chandipur in Odisha. DRDO officials gave this information. VL-SRSAM is a warship-launched missile. This missile is so dangerous that it can rapidly destroy different types of air threats. Its speed and fire power are so lethal that it cannot even be caught in the radar.

Defense Minister Rajnath Singh congratulated DRDO and Indian Navy for the successful flight test. He said that the system has added a shield, which will further enhance the defense capability of Indian Navy ships from aerial threats.

warship it will be used in
The Indian Navy has not given any name to the VL-SRSAM missile at present. It is planned to be installed in warships instead of Barak-1. Its weight is 154 kg. It has been made jointly by DRDO and Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL). It is about 12.6 feet long. Its diameter is 7.0 inches. It is fitted with a high-explosive pre-fragmented warhead. It can shoot down enemy ships or missiles flying at low altitude.

The missile is designed with three features
The purpose of launching the missile is to deploy warships of the Indian Navy. The missile has been designed and developed from three DRDO facilities. The missile has the capability to neutralize multiple airborne threats at close range including sea-skimming targets. Maritime skimming is a strategy used by anti-ship missiles and some fighters to avoid radar detection on warships.

Can attack at a distance of 40 to 50 KM
The VL-SRSAM is designed to strike at a range of 40 to 50 km and at an altitude of about 15 km. DRDO officials have said that its design is based on the Astra missile, which is an air-to-air missile with a different visual range. There are two special things about the missile.

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