Don’t Throw Away Leftover Rotis; Here’s Why

Rotis made on direct flame of gas can cause cancer.

Rotis made on direct flame of gas can cause cancer.

It is advised to consume them within 12-15 hours of preparation and freeze them for best results.

Consuming stale food is often believed to have adverse health effects and can even lead to food poisoning at times. However, this may not always be true, especially when it comes to foods made from wheat flour, such as roti or chapati. It is worth noting that stale bread or stale bread may provide more nutritional benefits than you think. According to experts, leftover rotis can provide benefits for diabetes and digestion if eaten in the right way. However, it is advised to consume them within 12-15 hours of preparation and freeze them for best results.

Nutritionists recommend eating leftover or stale rotis for breakfast. According to Shruti Sharma, bariatric counselor and nutritionist at Jaypee Hospital, it is better to have stale rotis with milk instead of subzi as milk has amazing properties, reports HT Digital.

If you’re planning to consume leftover food, it’s important to store it properly in an airtight container in the refrigerator and consume it within a day or two.

Here are 5 benefits of eating leftover rotis:

  1. Easy to digest: Stale rotis are easier to digest than fresh ones. This is because the process of letting the loaves sit for some time makes the starch in them more accessible to digestive enzymes. This makes it easier for the body to break down the bread and extract its nutrients. This also makes stale rotis a great alternative for people who have digestive issues or a sensitive stomach.
  2. High in Fiber: Stale breads are an excellent source of fiber. Fiber is important for maintaining a healthy digestive system and regulating bowel movements. Stale loaves contain more fiber than fresh loaves, as the starch in the loaves tends to break down over time, creating more fibre. This makes stale bread a great alternative for people looking to increase their fiber intake.
  3. Low in Calories: Stale breads may have less calorie content as compared to fresh breads. The process of breaking down the starch in bread over time can result in a reduction in calories. This makes stale rotis a great option for people who are watching their calorie intake or trying to lose weight.
  4. Rich in Resistant Starch: Resistant starch is a type of carbohydrate that resists digestion and may help control blood sugar levels. Freezing leftover loaves overnight can increase their resistant starch content. This makes stale rotis a great option for diabetics or people who want to control their blood sugar levels.
  5. versatile: Stale rotis can be used in many types of dishes. They can be heated and served with curries or used as a base for wraps or sandwiches. They can also be crushed into pieces and used as a coating for fried foods. This versatility makes stale rotis a great option for those who want to experiment with different recipes or use up leftover rotis in creative ways.

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