Don’t Let Air Pollution Weigh You Down: Tips for Boosting Your Metabolism

Eating regularly contributes to maintaining metabolic balance.  Eating 1-2 small meals or snacks in between larger meals can help boost metabolism

Eating regularly contributes to maintaining metabolic balance. Eating 1-2 small meals or snacks in between larger meals can help boost metabolism

It is a matter of concern that air pollution is now known to be a cause of autism as well as sinus infections, asthma and lung conditions

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), pollution is the sixth most common cause of death in India, after high blood pressure and tobacco use. Automobiles and factories are not the only sources of air pollution. The toxic assault your lungs face is also made up of off-gassing from plastics, dust mites, chemicals in carpets, air fresheners and other substances. It is a matter of concern that air pollution is now known to be a cause of autism as well as sinus infections, asthma and lung conditions. Additionally, it has been related to heart attacks, sperm mutation and healthy fetal intelligence. Metabolism is responsible for converting nutrients from the foods you eat into fuel. It provides our body with the energy it needs to breathe, move, digest food, circulate blood and repair damaged tissues and cells. Rohit Shelatkar, fitness and nutrition expert and VP, Vitabiotics shares some ways to keep the metabolism up:

  • Eat protein-rich foods at every meal: Compared to carbs and fats, protein requires the body to expend more energy for digestion. The thermic effect of food is a result of this increased metabolism. Eating a lot of protein has been shown to speed up metabolism and increase caloric expenditure. Protein also promotes satiety, which reduces hunger cravings and overeating.
  • Don’t Skip Meals: Eating very little or skipping meals is not the best way to lose weight. In fact, over time, it can interfere with your metabolism. Eating regularly contributes to maintaining metabolic balance. Eating 1-2 small meals or snacks in between larger meals can help boost metabolism. According to studies, people who snack in between main meals tend to eat less at that meal. Otherwise, going too long between meals will stall your metabolism and make it easier for your body to store fat.
  • Exercise well: High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) involves quick and extremely intense bursts of exercise. Incorporating some high-intensity exercise into your regular exercise program can speed up your metabolism and aid in fat loss. Apart from this, exercise should be done with weights. In addition, lifting weights can prevent muscle loss and boost metabolism during weight loss.
  • Enough Sleep: Sleep deprivation has been linked to changes in frontal lobe brain activity, which can affect decision making and emotional control. Lack of sleep can increase your appetite, cause midnight snacks and sugar cravings, and cause you to consume more calories than you need. By altering metabolism, this excess energy will lead to a gradual increase in weight. The body needs at least 6 to 8 hours to rest and recover.

By incorporating these tips in your daily routine and making small adjustments in your lifestyle, your metabolism can be boosted from pollution. Must cover your face or wear a mask. Avoid processed and sugary foods as they can slow down the metabolism.

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