Don’t Follow Instagrammers, Use Supportive Gear: Five Tips to Avoid Yoga Injuries

Yoga at home is enjoying its best moment during the COVID-19 pandemic. As gyms and workout studios remain closed, many people have taken up yoga to stay healthy and fit. However, like all work done without guidance and supervision, yoga can also go terribly wrong and cause minor injuries if not done properly.

While it is great that you are taking charge of your health and adding yoga exercises to your schedule, here are some things you should keep in mind while practicing yoga to avoid injuries.

Your Yoga Pose Doesn’t Resemble the Instagrammers, and That’s OK

There are so many self-proclaimed yogis on Instagram who can bend their bodies in unimaginable ways that it can be frustrating for us laymen when we try to do the same kind of poses and don’t look like them at all. However, we need to remember that one of the most important aspects of yoga is acknowledging the present moment, and therefore, ourselves in order to not look like someone else and sustain injury or remove something in the process. No need to push.

Each of us has different bodies, and they bend in different ways, and your yoga mat doesn’t do it justice, so do the postures slowly and to the best of your ability, and don’t worry too much about it. Do what it should look like’.

Beware of past injuries and problem spots

While practicing yoga at home, many of us rely on YouTube videos. While it is great to have access to free online resources to stay fit, instead of emptying your pocket for expensive yoga classes, the thing you have to remember when following those videos is that they are not customized according to your needs. .

So, if you’ve had an injury before and you feel that a specific posture will put unnecessary pressure on that injury and cause swelling or muscle pain, it’s best to avoid the injury or keep the injury in check. Do the mudras very slowly. Sometimes, it doesn’t even hurt, we all have pain in specific parts of the body – upper back, neck, hamstrings, and we must be careful when doing postures that put a lot of pressure on such parts.

Use your breath as your anchor

You may have noticed many people squeezing their face and eyes while trying to hold the yoga pose, and holding their breath in the process. This is probably not the best way to practice yoga. All hatha yoga and vinyasa practices are centered around the flow of the breath, so the main rule is to connect all of your asanas to your breath. Any posture that makes your breathing difficult or impossible can cause muscle sprains or other injuries.

So learn to tie each and every action of yoga with the flow of the breath.

learn to align

Instead of rushing to do challenging asanas, which can lead to injury, one should start by learning easy poses that teach to sit and align their body firmly on the ground. If your alignment posture and grounding are powerful, your chances

Injury is minimal.

use auxiliary gears

Most people cannot perform Tarakavasana or Halasana on the first day, and trying to force their body to do so can result in serious injury. It may happen that for some of us, the hands may not reach in the right place, or we may not be able to pose at all, and that is perfectly fine.

In such situations, what helps is yoga gear like blocks, knee pads or belts which enable you to reach that pose easily and smoothly without any injury. These gears are easily available in the market, but you can also use blocks instead of belts and cushions in place of dupatta and achieve your desired yoga posture without wasting any money.

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