Dominica High Court grants bail to Mehul Choksi on medical grounds

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Fugitive Indian businessman Mehul Choksi.

Fugitive diamond merchant Mehul Choksi was granted bail by the Dominica High Court on Monday on medical grounds. The court was set to hear Choksi’s bail plea on July 23, however, it was adjourned following an application by an Indian diamond trader.

Choksi, in his plea, had requested the court to grant him bail on the pretext of undergoing treatment for his neurological problems in Antigua.

Read also: Dominica declares Mehul Choksi a ‘prohibited immigrant’

The court has put certain conditions for Choksi’s bail. these:

-Choksi must return to Antigua for special therapy that is not available in Dominica as recommended by the state.

Antiguan neurologist Dr. Hayden Osborne should be informed of any changes in Choksi’s health.

– Mehul Choksi has to pay $10,000ec dollars to the courts to ensure his appearance before the magistrate court in Dominica

– The applicant should inform the High Court and state his/her address in Antigua and Barbuda and that address should not be changed and if it should be changed, inform and update the address given earlier.

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Choksi, who went missing from Antigua and Barbuda, where he had been living since 2018 after fleeing India, was arrested on May 23 for illegal entry into neighboring Dominica. He was declared a prohibited immigrant by the Ministry of Immigration in Dominica.

Choksi, 62, is wanted in India in connection with the Rs 13,500 crore scam in Punjab National Bank.

(with inputs from agencies)

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