Doctors, At Delhi Hospital, Remove Needle Stuck In Woman’s Hip For 3 Years – News18

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The woman sought medical help after heavy discomfort and pain. (Representational image)

The woman sought medical help after heavy discomfort and pain. (Representational image)

After an X-ray, doctors made the startling discovery, finding the ‘long lost’ needle deeply lodged in a woman’s hip muscles.

Throughout their careers, doctors and other medical professionals witness some of the craziest things, and the list turns even more bizarre when they discover foreign objects in patient’s bodies. While incidents of accidentally swallowing coins, jewellery, bones, and sometimes even mini-toys are quite common, things get more deadly when doctors discover razor blades or needles inside a human body. Such was the case at Delhi’s Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, where doctors extracted a needle from a woman’s buttocks. The needle was lodged deep in her hip muscles three years ago; however, she had no hint of it.

According to an ANI report, the woman, identified as Rambha Devi, was deeply engrossed in her sewing when the entire fiasco took place. At the time, she reportedly stood up for something but suddenly slipped and fell back on the needle. Unaware of what happened, she instantly felt a sharp pain in her hips.

Upon looking, she found a half-broken needle on the bed and thought that the other half might have broken off somewhere in the room. After searching for days, it was nowhere to be found, which left her thinking that it had fallen out. However, there was always a constant discomfort in her buttocks that only increased over the years. It was only recently that Rambha Devi finally decided to seek medical help, as the pain became unbearable. After an X-ray, doctors made the startling discovery, finding the ‘long lost’ needle deeply lodged in her hip muscles.

After having made several trips to various doctors to get it removed, she was told that it was very deep and that getting surgery could cause a lot of bleeding. However, determined to have it removed, she finally met a senior consultant, Dr Tarun Mittal, at the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi, who, after a thorough evaluation, offered her the option of surgery. Speaking about the procedure, he said, “After taking the incision and starting dissection, it was very difficult to locate the needle. Multiple X-rays had to be taken intraoperatively to precisely locate the needle, and finally, the team found the needle and extracted it in one piece without breaking it. It was a highly complex task, but their expertise and teamwork paid off.”

While this showcases the skill and competence of the doctors, it also gives a lesson about always paying attention to even minor injuries.