Do yoga asanas to get rid of back, chest pain!

Work from home has become a new normal for us. In this new normal, laziness and health issues have also seen a huge increase. Nowadays many people complain of back pain and chest pain and often they depend on medicines for quick relief.

Work from home culture has stalled our physical activities and to avoid these back and chest pains, it is important to introduce some exercises that can help you stay away from back pain. Yoga asanas have always proved beneficial when it comes to improving health. Yoga asanas not only improve the mobility and flexibility of the body but also help in improving posture.

Here is a list of yoga asanas that you can try at home to get rid of back pain:

1. Cat-Cow Pose: This is one of the first stretching poses that you must try. This back stretch allows you to gently activate your spine. Practicing the Cat-Cow Pose also helps in stretching your neck, shoulders and torso.

2. Downward Facing Dog: Downward Facing Dog is a traditional forward bend stretch that can be relaxing for your back. Practicing downward facing dog pose can help relieve your back pain. It also removes imbalances in the body and improves strength.

3. Extended Triangle: This stretch can help relieve back pain, neck pain and sciatica. This pose stretches your spine, hips and waist. Extended triangle pose also helps in relieving stress and anxiety.

4. Locust Pose: Locust pose is a gentle backend pose that can help relieve lower back pain and fatigue. This pose helps in strengthening the back, torso, arms and legs.

Here are some yoga asanas to get rid of chest pain:

1. Matsyasana Pose Matsyasana or fish pose helps in stretching the rib muscles and the muscles at the front and back of the neck. The fish pose also improves posture.

2. Dhanurasana:– Also known as Bow Pose, it helps to relieve stress and fatigue. The bow pose opens up the chest, shoulders and can also cure asthma.

3. ChakrasanaWheel Pose or Chakrasana is good for the heart and is said to cure asthma. It also expands the lungs.

4. Ustrasana: It helps to open up the chest and improve breathing. The camel pose also strengthens the shoulders and back.

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