DNA Exclusive: Analysis Of Kashmir Village’s Unique ‘Gold For Plastic’ Campaign

Srinagar: A remote village named Sadiwara in Anantnag district of South Kashmir has started a unique mission to save the environment. The village head started the “Plastic Do and Sona Lo” campaign. According to the plan, if someone donates 20 quintals of plastic waste, the panchayat will give him a gold coin. Everyone in the Kashmir Valley sees Farooq Ahmed Ganai, a lawyer by profession and the sarpanch of Sadiwara village. 15 days after the launch of the campaign, the entire city was declared plastic free. The initiative has received wide acclaim, has been loved by all, and has even been adopted by other panchayats.

In today’s DNA, Zee News’s Rohit Ranjan analyzes the unique ‘Give plastic and take gold’ campaign in South Kashmir’s Sadiwara village.

Advocate Farooq Ahmed Ganai said, “I started the slogan of giving polythene in exchange for reward in my village. I took the initiative to clean rivers and drains. Now everyone in the village helped us clean the sites.” “
Last month, Deputy Commissioner Anantnag had announced to make this village plastic free. The gold we are giving is of the plastic that we collect and sell.

The streams flowing through the village have been completely cleaned and all the plastic blocking these streams has been removed.

The village which used to have heaps of plastic on its roads is now completely clean and whatever plastic is collected is handed over to the panchayat members. This village is setting an example for all other villages and the government is also trying to replicate the same idea in every village of the Union Territory.

Watch DNA tonight for detailed analysis: