Diwali Day Act: Legislation introduced to make Diwali a nationally recognized holiday in the United States

US Representative Carolyn B. Maloney introduced the Diwali Day Act. (Image: @Carolyn B. Maloney / Twitter)

If the bill is approved in the United States Congress, Diwali will be celebrated as a holiday in federal institutions in the country.

  • News18.com Washington
  • Last Update:Nov 04, 2021, 9:55 am IS
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Congressman Carolyn B. Maloney from New York said she is introducing a bill Wednesday to make Diwali a nationally recognized federal holiday in the United States. If the bill is approved, Diwali will be celebrated as a holiday in federal institutions in the country.

Maloney said the Indian diaspora, a significant population in the United States, celebrates the festival of lights to honor their cultural heritage. Introducing the legislation, he said, “I am very pleased and excited to introduce the Deepawali Day Act this week along with members of the Indian Caucus of Congress, which would start Diwali as a federal holiday.”

He was accompanied by Congressman Raja Krishnamurthy and Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Congressman Gregory Meeks.

Ahead of his announcement, he had tweeted, “I am very excited to introduce our Diwali Day Act, which will ensure Diwali as a federal holiday. Let’s celebrate the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and the pursuit of knowledge at this special time of the year!”

He began by wishing everyone a Happy Diwali to all who celebrate the festival across the world. Maloney said she understands the importance of the festival in the Indian American community, and that the festival is important not only to the Indian diaspora, but to Americans as well.

“It is indeed fitting that this year Diwali symbolizes our nation’s continued journey out of the darkness of COVID-19 and the dreadful effects of the pandemic on our people.”

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