Diwali Bonanza! Modi government announces reduction in excise duty on petrol and diesel – View Details

New Delhi: Amid growing concern over rising fuel prices across the country, the Indian government on Wednesday announced reduction in excise duty on petrol and diesel.

As per the announcement, excise duty has been reduced by Rs 5 on petrol and Rs 10 on diesel. The Center has said that the new prices will be effective from Thursday.

The much-needed relief came after oil marketing companies on Wednesday decided to keep the retail price of petrol and diesel unchanged.

At present, the pump price of petrol in Delhi is Rs 110.04 per liter, while the price of diesel also remains at Tuesday’s level of Rs 98.42 per liter. Petrol in the financial capital Mumbai costs Rs 115.85 per liter, while diesel is priced at Rs 106.62 per liter, which is the highest among all metros.

(This is a developing story. More details are awaited.)
