Didi’s visit to Delhi: Mamata Banerjee to meet Sonia Gandhi today, may also meet Pawar-Kejriwal; Had met PM Modi last day

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  • Mamta Banerjee Delhi Visit Updates | Narendra Modi, Mamata Banerjee, Sonia Gandhi, Sharad Pawar, Arvind Kejriwal

New Delhi19 minutes ago

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West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee is on a Delhi tour these days. He met Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday. Now on Wednesday, she is going to meet many opposition leaders. These include Congress interim president Sonia Gandhi. Apart from this, Mamta can also meet NCP chief Sharad Pawar, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal today.

Demanded PM to investigate Pegasus
Mamta Banerjee met Modi on Tuesday for the first time after leaving the meeting chaired by PM Narendra Modi over the Yas storm in May. He demanded to give maximum corona vaccine to the state according to the population and the investigation of Pegasus case under the supervision of Supreme Court.

Meaning of Didi’s Meetings

  • These meetings of Mamta are being linked to Mission 2024. According to sources, its purpose is to unite the opposition against PM Modi and the BJP and give them a tough fight.
  • For this, Didi is going to give attention to the ‘Bengal model’. They are preparing to give a direct challenge to the BJP on 375 seats through opposition solidarity. In 200 of these seats, Congress can propose a walkover.
  • According to sources, Mamata’s ‘Mission Delhi’ is to remove the BJP from power in 2024. For this, Sonia-Pawar-Mamata will give a message of solidarity against the BJP across the country.

will start from Uttar Pradesh
Didi can start her campaign from Uttar Pradesh. The aim is to defeat the BJP in the elections of 7 states in 2022. Mamta has also come to make it clear that she does not intend to be the PM’s chair. Congress will play a central role in this campaign. Recently, Mamta’s election strategist Prashant Kisher met Sonia, Rahul and talked on this model.

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