Did You Know Coffee Shouldn’t Be Consumed Before Workout?

Last Update: January 31, 2023, 7:19 PM IST

There is a general belief that caffeine is good before starting a workout, as it can provide us with instant energy.  But, caffeinated drinks such as coffee with milk and sugar can lead to dehydration during a workout (Image: Canva)

There is a general belief that caffeine is good before starting a workout, as it can provide us with instant energy. But, caffeinated drinks such as coffee with milk and sugar can lead to dehydration during a workout (Image: Canva)

Experts suggest that we should have breakfast at least 30 minutes before doing any kind of exercise.

People have different opinions about eating food before going to the gym. While many recommend having a pre-workout meal, there are others who advocate avoiding a full stomach while going to the gym. However, nothing can be more unpleasant than doing a strenuous workout on an empty stomach. However, being too full can hinder our workout sessions as well.

Experts suggest that we should have breakfast at least 30 minutes before doing any kind of exercise. This will give us the energy we need and provide muscle support throughout our workout. But, that does not mean that we can eat anything. We often consume foods that we consume over and over again, but they may not be ideal when hitting the gym.

Here is a list of foods that you should avoid before starting physical exercise.

1. Almonds are extremely healthy due to their healthy fat content and other compounds. But, they also have a rough, fibrous surface, which is difficult to digest and can give us stomachaches while working out. Instead, you can save them for post-workout, when the body needs healthy fats and protein to recharge.

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2. There is a common belief that caffeine is good before starting a workout, as it can provide us with instant energy. But, consuming caffeinated drinks like coffee with milk and sugar can lead to dehydration during a workout.

3. Flaxseeds are very popular among people who follow a strict diet. There is no doubt that they are healthy. They pack a lot of fiber. However, it takes a long time to digest them. Hence, they should be avoided unless we have a lot of time before hitting the gym.

4. Before working out, we should try to avoid spicy food. They help speed up our metabolism, however, they often lead to heartburn and stomach discomfort.

5. In general, fried foods should be avoided in our diet, but we all indulge in them from time to time. But, eating fried food before working out is strictly prohibited. The high fat content in fried food makes us lethargic.

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