Did a breach of an agreement between Israel, the Palestinian Authority lead to the Al-Aqsa conflict?

The Al-Aqsa Mosque has once again become a flashpoint after hundreds of Palestinians were arrested on Friday, injuring most, including three Israeli policemen. A revered venue for Muslims, Jews and Christians saw unprecedented violence when Palestinian activists and Hamas militants reportedly entered the compound and waving Palestinian Authority flags, threw stones and set off fireworks after early morning prayers.

Security officials told the Israeli news agency Haaretz that the arrests were made for offering prayers in the afternoon. Officials told the news agency that the situation in al-Aqsa was currently under control.

The Haaretz report also noted that the dispute also pointed to a violation of the status quo at Temple Mount. It was previously decided that Jews would have access to the Temple Mount, but prayer would only take place at the Western Wall. However, an editorial in Haaretz reported that for the past two years some Jews have been praying in a quorum on Temple Mount under police protection.

The editorial also reported that the number of Jews visiting Temple Mount had increased. this is In violation of the agreement between the Government of Israel and the Waqf (Muslim Religious Authority), the Palestinian Authority and the Government of Jordan, The editorial argues that exercising Jewish religious autonomy only in a place where Muslims have some autonomy, a place that is both a religious and national symbol for Palestinians, constitutes unnecessary provocation.

Footage from the Al Aqsa mosque showed youths wearing black jackets and masks pelting stones at Israeli security forces and police cracking down on miscreants. Six Palestinians are placed in intensive care while many others receive treatment for their injuries.

The fighting began when thousands of Palestinian youths chose to barricade themselves inside the Al Aqsa compound to protest entering the compound on Friday to perform sacrifices at Passover by religious Jewish groups – a Jewish festival that celebrates Israel from slavery in Egypt. Celebrates the liberation of

The United Arab List, the Islamic party in the coalition government, condemned the police action and its leader Mansour Abbas said that there are ‘no political considerations’ when it comes to al-Aqsa.

(with inputs from Haaretz)

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