Detox water for weight loss: 7 recipes to lose flab in winters and boost metabolism

We are in the winter season and that is the time when we need that extra push to boost our metabolism and flush out the toxins so that we can keep cold and flu at bay. Infused with fruits and herbs, detox water is known for its amazing health benefits. So what is the best time to drink detox water for weight loss? Experts say that having a glass of this delicious detox drink every morning can help you stay fit and fine. Detox drinks help to remove toxins from the body, and they are also excellent at reducing weight, boosting metabolism, and acting as a laxative to ease digestion. They are also good for improving the health of our skin and hair.

1) jerry water Cumin is known to have immense health benefits. A mixture of cumin water can be a good detox option. It will flush out your toxins, kill hunger pangs and boost metabolism, all of which can aid in weight loss.

2) Amla Juice: Rich in Vitamin C, Amla juice improves the metabolism of the body. Additionally, it protects us from viral and bacterial infections and prevents cold and cough, which are very common in winters.

3) Cucumber, Mint, Lemon and Ginger Mixture: This is a wonderful detoxification mixture that can bring you immense benefits. Lemon naturally detoxes our body and also boosts immunity. Ginger helps in digestion by keeping our stomach clean. Mint adds flavor and is a good cleanser. Cucumber is good for keeping you hydrated, apart from that it also tastes great.

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4) green tea with mintGreen tea is known to provide relief from digestive symptoms and headaches and promote weight loss. It boosts immunity and helps us fight cold and flu. Peppermint, as we already said, helps with detoxification with its cleansing properties.

5) Apple-Cinnamon Water: This will boost your metabolism significantly, thus promoting weight loss. Apple and cinnamon contain antioxidants which will boost your immune system and fight against different types of infections.

6) Pomegranate and Beet Juice: Pomegranate and beetroot both have significant cleansing and detoxifying properties and can help boost one’s immune system and improve metabolism.

7) Coriander Water: This is another detox drink that has amazing health benefits. Drink coriander water every morning on an empty stomach which will flush out the extra water stored in the body. It boosts insulin production as well as metabolism.

However, be sure to consult your doctor as drinking too much detox water can also have adverse health effects.

(Disclaimer: The article is based on general information and is not a substitute for the advice of a medical expert. Zee News does not confirm the same.)