‘Despite the peace, Goa’s rainfall is neither high nor low’. Goa News – Times of India

Panaji: Softening is being done in Goa Rain Dr MR Ramesh Kumar, chief scientist of meteorologist and retired NIO, said that from July 24 to August 17, and a major break in monsoon conditions could prove detrimental to the overall monsoon rainfall.
India Meteorological Department scientist Rahul M said that for the last 4-5 weeks, states like Kerala, Gujarat, Odisha and North East states have been receiving below normal rainfall. He said, “The absence of any significant monsoon enhancement system has affected the intensity of monsoon during the last two to three weeks and has reduced the country-wise rainfall to 9% below normal (from 1 June to 8.30 am on 18 August) below normal. done,” he said. .
For the same period, Goa’s rainfall so far has been equal to the average rainfall (no deficiency or excess).
“The weakening or break in monsoon conditions over the Indian subcontinent was mainly due to the shifting of the monsoon trough to the Himalayan foothills and the Madden Julian Oscillation was also in an unfavorable phase,” Kumar said.
The second break in rainfall this month from August 1 to August 18 is showing a deficit in all homogeneous regions, with a 31% reduction across the country.
The maximum deficit is 44% in Central India and the minimum deficit is 4% in the East and North East region.
“Incidentally, the mid-monsoon months of July and August are also peak monsoon months, contributing to about 61% of the seasonal rainfall, so such a great weakness or break in monsoon conditions is a major factor in the overall monsoon rainfall for the Indian subcontinent. which is harmful to the state of Goa,” Kumar said.
Monsoon activity over Goa resumed on August 18 with the formation of a low pressure area off Odisha coast and north-west Bay of Bengal. This weather will bring a lot of rain in the coming days in the eastern region and central region besides in the north western parts.


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