Designated areas, social distancing: Halloween parties in Gurgaon return with COVID protocols. Gurgaon News – Times of India

The residents of Gurgaon are all set to celebrate the scariest night of the year, but with the protection Protocol in place. Halloween, which has been quite popular among Gurugrammers, is finally back this year but with the COVID protocol. With spooky costumes and face painting, condominiums are making sure the kids have a great time of the day, but only after taking all safety measures.
While some condos have assigned garden areas for trick-or-treating, others are getting creative as well as working on costumes around the masks to be safe. with small gatherings and social distancingAdults in all condos where Halloween will be celebrated will ensure that it is celebrated in a protected manner.
‘Trick-or-treat area designated to avoid overcrowding in lifts’
Condominium residents are ensuring that children follow safety protocols when stepping out for Halloween. Arpana Aggarwal, a resident of Pioneer Araya & Presidia, says, “Kids will not go to homes for trick-or-treating as it will make the lifts overcrowded. About 100 kids are participating, so we’ve asked parents who want to participate in trick-or-treating to come to the garden area. We have put up stalls there, everything will be done in open area to maintain social distancing.”

Residents making sure children clean their hands frequently

Similarly, in La Laguna, residents have formed a WhatsApp group of families who want to let children into their homes to trick-or-treat. “Our entire condo is aware of the COVID protocols as we as a community went through difficult times in the second wave. That’s why we were avoiding organizing any event where there was any kind of crowd. But kids haven’t had any social interaction in a long time and are usually just as excited about Halloween as they get ready and go trick-or-treating. So, this was something that we thought we could do while following the COVID protocols. We have a WhatsApp group where people who want to give candy to the kids have given their names so that the kids can also know which houses to go to. We’re going to put kids from up to two families together for trick-or-treating. As a community this is a small thing that we plan to celebrate,” says Sonia Sinha, a resident of La Lagune.

To wear a mask? Kids and parents get creative with masks this Halloween
There are also other condominiums that have put together a list of residents who want to give candy to children and have formed groups so that children only come to their homes. Richa Kalra, a resident of Sector 52, says, “Kids know about such families and they plan to go there for trick-or-treating.”

Kids will only go to homes that have signed up for it

Pinnacle-based Vandana Sharma says, “Some kids are keen to celebrate Halloween with pomp. We are trying to be more safe and identifying people who are comfortable approaching children, making sure they are trained to wear masks and move around in their groups in a safer way than before is done. ”
She also points out that kids and parents are working together to be more creative with masks. “While some are planning to indulge in some face painting around colored masks, others are planning to wear face shields and will paint on the shields. There are some who are going to wear superhero masks that double as face coverings,” she says.
