‘Democracies matter’: Prime Minister tells US Congress amid Modi-Modi chants | 10 points

Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the joint address
Image Source : @PTI Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing a joint meeting of the US Congress in Washington DC.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday addressed a joint sitting of the US Congress during his first state visit to the United States of America. As soon as the Prime Minister’s address began, the members of the House welcomed him with slogans of Modi-Modi amidst heavy applause. During the Prime Minister’s address, standing applause was played about 15 times and applause was played 79 times. In his speech, PM Modi said that democracy matters and it delivers. He lauded the India-US strategic relationship and pointed out that India is soon going to become the world’s third largest economy.

  1. The Prime Minister said that the United States is now India’s most important defense partner.
  2. On terrorism, PM Modi said there can be “no ifs and buts” in dealing with terror and sought action against countries sponsoring terrorism.
  3. The Prime Minister said that more than two decades after 9/11 and more than a decade after 26/11 in Mumbai, radicalization and terrorism continue to pose a serious threat to the entire world. He said, “These ideologies keep taking new identities and forms, but their intentions remain the same. Terrorism is the enemy of humanity and there can be no ifs and buts in dealing with it. We need to stop all such forces sponsoring and exporting terror.” Gotta get over it.” ,
  4. Prime Minister Modi also made an indirect reference to China, saying that the global order is based on respect for the principles of the United Nations Charter, peaceful resolution of disputes and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity.
  5. Noting that Ukraine is causing a lot of pain in the conflict zone, Modi said he has said directly and publicly, “This is not an era of war. But, it is an era of dialogue and diplomacy.”
  6. Representing 1.4 billion Indians, Modi said in his address that democracy is one of their sacred and shared values. “It has evolved over a long period of time, and has taken various forms and systems. Throughout history, however, one thing has remained clear. Democracy is the spirit that supports equality and respect. Democracy is the idea that debates And welcomes discussion.”
  7. “Democracy is the culture that gives wings to thought and expression. India is blessed with such values ​​since ancient times. In the development of democratic spirit, India is the mother of democracy. It is the spirit that supports equality and respect and welcomes debate. And discourse,” he said.
  8. The Prime Minister said, when India grows, the whole world grows, our trusted partnership is like the sun in this new dawn that will spread light all around.
  9. Today we stand at a new dawn in our relationship, which will shape the destiny of not only our two countries, but also the world, the Prime Minister said.
  10. PM Modi said, together we will demonstrate that democracy matters and democracy gives results.

,with input from PTI)

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