Delhi, Noida Wake Up To Stiffling Air After AQI Breached 300 Mark; Today’s Weather Prediction Here

New Delhi: With the onset of winter, breathing in Delhi’s air has become difficult. The pollution level in Delhi-NCR reached a very bad level for the first time this season, with an AQI of 313. Greater Noida was the most polluted with an AQI of 354.

The pollution is expected to remain at very poor levels until October 25, and then it may continue to be bad to very bad for the next six days. Despite the increasing pollution, no new restrictions have been imposed thus far.

Over the past two days, pollution has increased significantly, leading to visible smog. Four major contributors to pollution have emerged.

Stubble smoke from neighboring states, driven by winds from Pakistan and Punjab, is reaching Delhi. On Sunday, stubble pollution accounted for around 16.38 percent of the problem. The Indian Agricultural Research Institute reported 454 cases of stubble burning on October 21, with a total of 4,026 cases from September 15 to October 21, mostly in Punjab, Haryana, and UP, said media reports.

Delhi Weather Today

The Indian Meterological Department (IMD) predicted that there will be partly cloudy sky with possibility of drizzle towards night in Delhi today.

Temperature fluctuations will continue, with a temporary increase in temperature on Monday. The Meteorological Department predicts clear skies with a maximum temperature of around 31°C and a minimum of 17°C. Clear skies are expected from October 24 to 26, with temperatures ranging from 31 to 32°C for the maximum and 16 to 17°C for the minimum. Partial clouds may return on October 27 and 28, with similar temperature ranges. The cold is not expected to intensify further for about a week, and significant temperature changes may occur after November 15.

IMD Predicts

IMD Predicts

Temperature fluctuations will continue, with a temporary increase in temperature on Monday. The Meteorological Department predicts clear skies with a maximum temperature of around 31°C and a minimum of 17°C. Clear skies are expected from October 24 to 26, with temperatures ranging from 31 to 32°C for the maximum and 16 to 17°C for the minimum. Partial clouds may return on October 27 and 28, with similar temperature ranges. The cold is not expected to intensify further for about a week, and significant temperature changes may occur after November 15.

On October 23, there will be light morning fog as the wind blows from the North-East at a speed of just 4 to 8 kilometers per hour. The wind conditions will be nearly the same on October 24. However, there is expected to be a slight improvement in wind speed on October 25, with speeds potentially increasing to around 6 to 12 kilometers per hour.