In his latest social media post, Bollywood Actress Deepika Padukone Can be heard talking about the importance of a team. Deepika shared a reel on Instagram, where she replies what her favorite thing about shoot day is. While she answers from her vanity van as she gets ready, the clip also gives us a behind-the-scenes glimpse of some of Deepika and her crew members. She begins by saying that she is looking forward to meeting the team she is going to work with. She then adds that the actress usually has a lot of fun in the process, especially in the film.
“So I look forward to meeting the team I’m going to work with. Especially my team because I know we have a lot of fun in the process, especially on film. It’s always been a smooth thing.” Kind of doesn’t happen, you know. Sometimes you have tough days. Sometimes things go well, sometimes things don’t go well. But at least when you have a fun team or everyone that gets each other so you go through a day and i think we’re all meant to excite each other so if someone’s having a bad day i guess we can’t Interfering can help that person.”
She captioned her post as “teamwork” and dropped a rocket emoji next to it.
Have a look at the video:
She re-shared the video on her Instagram Stories space, writing, “Teamwork makes dreams work”.
On the work front, she will be seen in Kabir Khan’s ’83’ opposite Ranveer. Deepika also has an untitled film by Shakun Batra in her kitty in which she will be seen alongside Ananya Panday and Siddhant Chaturvedi. She will be seen in Siddharth Anand’s Fighter in which she will star opposite Hrithik Roshan. The star will be seen again with Shah Rukh Khan in Pathan, which will also feature John Abraham in the lead. He also has The Intern remake with Amitabh Bachchan in the pipeline.
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