Deepika Padukone launches first audio festival ‘Care Package’ at Clubhouse; Prateek Kuhad will perform

Deepika Padukone On Tuesday, he announced the launch of ‘Care Package’ on his Instagram account. This first of its kind audio festival will take place on July 20, 2021 from 7 PM to 8:30 PM at Club House. The ‘Care Package’ will be a box filled with carefully curated conversations and performances by Deepika Padukone from leaders across the globe who prioritize ‘Care’. The Care Package has a lineup that includes conversational

Like Jay Shetty, Sriram Krishnan, Paul Davison, Raghav KK, as well as the captivating performances of Prateek Kuhad.

The festival will revolve around three themes which the speakers will discuss with the audience. The three themes are ‘Breathe, by the Artidot’ by Deepika Padukone, Aarti Ramamurthy, Raghav KK and Sriram Krishnan, Jova Ferreira, and lastly, ‘Love and Care’ – ‘My relationship with self-care’. How It’s Different by Deepika Padukone, Jay Shetty, Radhi Devalukia Aarti Ramamurthy and Sriram Krishnan.

Sharing it on her Instagram account, Deepika wrote, “I am so excited to launch ‘Care Package’ – an audio-first festival that cares! This package, created by me, is worldwide. K is a box full of conversations and performances by thought leaders who prioritize caring.”

An outspoken advocate of mental health issues, Padukone has tried to spread nationwide awareness about mental health and has also launched stigma removal campaigns. She was awarded the Crystal Award at the World Economic Forum last year for spreading awareness about the importance of mental health.

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