Deaths after vaccine are 12 times less: 10 crores did not take second dose in India, understand how dangerous it is from this report

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  • Deaths after vaccine 12 times less, 100 million did not take second dose in India, know how dangerous this report is

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The risk of getting infected after getting the vaccine has also been found to be 6 times less.  - Dainik Bhaskar

The risk of getting infected after getting the vaccine has also been found to be 6 times less.

The latest government report based on 1.82 lakh deaths from Corona in America between April 10 and September 3 has come out. This is the most comprehensive report to date showing the effectiveness of the vaccine. According to this, the mortality rate of those infected after vaccination in America has been only 0.w14%. That is, 14 deaths occurred out of 10 thousand patients.

Whereas, patients without vaccination had a mortality rate of 1.65%, which is 12 times higher than that of patients without vaccination. At the same time, the possibility of getting infected after getting the vaccine was also found to be 6 times less. Similarly, the rate of vaccinated patients admitted to the hospital was also recorded 6 times less than normal corona patients.

Relief: Very few deaths under 50 after vaccination

  • Scientists are most excited about this data. After vaccination, the mortality rate in people under 64 years of age has dropped to almost zero.

Boosters are saving the elderly… Children get less vaccines, so they are more infected

  • Vaccination of children started late. That’s why they are getting more infected. Those who have been vaccinated have the same rate of infection as the elderly. That is, the effect of the vaccine is the same at every age. Hence the deaths are also less.

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