Davis Cup: Prajnesh Gunneswaran loses to lower-order Otto Vartanen, India down 0-1. Tennis News – Times of India

Espoo (Finland): Prajnesh Gunneswaran I lost again to a lower ranked player Davis Cup To leave India 0-1 in the World Group I encounter against Finland here on Friday.
up against Otto Vertanen, ranked as low as 419 in ATP Prajnesh, ranked 165 in the ranking chart, lost 3-6, 6-7 (1) in just one hour and 25 minutes.
Ramkumar Ramanathan now needs to beat Finland’s number one Enil Rusuvuri, who is ranked 74th in the world, to keep India in the hunt.
It was a good draw for India, with Prajnesh playing the first game against a lower-order player, but Vartanan stroked fluently and went on with an easy win.
Prajnesh saved the first two breaks but lost the service in the sixth game and fell behind in the opening set. The left-handed batsman got a chance to make a comeback when Wirtenen committed a double fault at deuce point in the next game but Prajnesh could not take advantage of the opportunity.
Wirtenen dismissed the set in the ninth game without any ruckus.
With domestic support, Vartan put the Indian under the pump. Prajnesh was again in danger of losing serve early in the second set but he managed to capture the third game after a few deuce points.
Prajnesh fought till 4-all but was down 0-40 in the ninth game after serving a double fault. However, he saved five breakpoints and kept the game going with a well-calculated drop shot at the end.
The Indian served 11th game set Love and now needs to break his opponent, who was playing with ease.
He got that small opportunity when Wirtenen hit a forehand over the net at deuce point but the Finnish pulled an ace at break point. Eventually it went into a tie-breaker, with Prajnesh going 0-3 and then 1-5.
An angled serve that Prajnesh could not come back gave the home player a match point, which he replaced with an easy winner.
