Daughter of Chinese War Veterans Criticizes Xi Jinping’s Kovid Zero Policy

Luo Diandian, daughter of Chinese war veteran Luo Ruiqing, has criticized Chinese President Xi Jinping’s zero-Covid policy, claiming that the rules lack ‘basic scientific thinking’.

Diandian’s father, Luo Ruiqing, served as chief of the Joint Staff from 1959 to 1965 and led the People’s Liberation Army that attacked India During the Indo-China war of 1962.

Ruiking, despite his contributions, was purged during the ‘Cultural Revolution’ of former President Mao Zedong.

He still remains a respected figure among Chinese citizens, known for his role in building China’s security and police apparatus. He was later reinstated by Mao as well.

The letter went viral on Chinese social media websites and non-mainstream news websites and channels. It also went viral on Telegram.

In the letter, Diandian did not name Xi and addressed the letter to a person named ‘Ma Xiaoli’.

“The dynamic clearing policy clearly violates the core practice of the ninth edition of the COVID Diagnosis and Treatment Plan prepared by experts. It is not in line with the mutational characteristics of the novel coronavirus, and it lacks basic scientific thinking,” says the letter, according to a report by news agency ANI.

She further says in her letter that the rules are against the spirit of the Communist Party of China (CCP) as it prevented ‘some people with limited power’ from ‘boycotting’ against ‘centralised’ control.

“I feel ashamed and humiliated to think that he, who still has some power in his hands, didn’t even organize a decent “boycott” when he and most of the people were treated so unfairly,’ he said. “

She also said that drastic measures had been taken, which resulted in a ‘serious living situation’ exacerbated by police brutality.

“It breaks the common sense that professional problems are handled by experts. The direct use of the party system to enforce executive orders is to break the routine of administrative functions of the state,” she said.

She also criticized the isolation protocol devised by the CCP, as it separates the infected from their loved ones.

However, the letter is unlikely to deter Xi, who recently silenced senior party leaders by raising their voices against the COVID zero policy since a comfortable entry into his third term – more than any Chinese leader. For – now their main priority.

(with inputs from ANI)

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