Daughter Anita said – Had Netaji been alive, Pakistan would not have formed: Said in the interview – After independence all freedom fighters did not get their credit

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  • Netaji’s Daughter Said In The Interview After Independence All Freedom Fighters Did Not Get Their Credit

New Delhi16 minutes agoAuthor: Ravi Yadav

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s daughter has spoken out loud on many issues in her recent interview. Anita Bose currently lives in Germany. In a conversation with Dainik Bhaskar, he said, ‘If my father was alive, he would not have accepted the partition of the country in any way.’ He has described the installation of Netaji’s statue at India Gate as a welcome step. He also said that not all freedom fighters got their share of credit after independence. Read excerpts from the conversation with Anita Bose:

Question: What is your first reaction to the installation of Netaji’s statue at India Gate?

answer: I am very happy that the Government of India has installed Netaji’s statue at India Gate. This is a welcome step. A statue of a freedom fighter has been installed there after a long time. Right now this image is of a hologram. How the actual statue will be, it will be known later.

Question: Netaji’s statue has been installed at India Gate. Some political parties are opposing the removal of Amar Jawan Jyoti, located just a short distance away, what do you think?

answer: I welcome the installation of the statue. The only thing I would say to the protestors is that if they want the place where the statue should be kept empty forever, then there is no alternative. I believe that whatever great person is suitable for this place, his statue should be installed. Apart from Netaji, a statue of Gandhiji can also be installed.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the hologram statue of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose at India Gate on 23 January.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the hologram statue of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose at India Gate on 23 January.

Question: Has Congress done injustice to Netaji?

answer: After independence, the Congress government felt that the freedom that India got was due to non-violence. In such a situation, the rest of the freedom fighters did not get their share of credit. Later on the basis of documents it was found that Azad Hind Fauj had an important role in India’s independence.

Question: What kind of respect Netaji should have received from the Government of India?

answer: I believe the government could have done a lot about it, but some facts have been hidden by the government. I am very disappointed about this. The government did not say anything on the communal riots and quarrels and did not take any concrete steps. It is not in the interest of the country not to speak on such matters. If you look at it from another point of view, it is a matter of great happiness for me that after seven decades of independence, the ideals and values ​​of Netaji are now being recognized. This will send a good message to the country.

Question: According to you, did the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi take the side of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru?

answer: In 1930, Subhash Chandra Bose was made the President of the Congress, but Gandhiji did not want this. Gandhiji was also very angry about this matter. He wanted to remove Netaji from politics. According to me, in 1946, the leadership of the Congress disappointed Gandhiji, due to which Gandhiji was very angry. My father was against the partition of the country. Had my father been alive then, he would not have accepted the partition of the country even after differences with Gandhiji.

Question: There are different discussions about the death of Netaji. What is the truth according to you?

answer: I came to know from the interview of an eyewitness of the plane crash that this incident took place on 18 August 1945. At the same time the Second World War also ended. The documents related to this incident were kept hidden for a long time. 37 files have been made public during the present government.

Anita Bose said- Netaji was made Congress President in 1930, but Gandhiji did not want this.  He was also very angry about this.

Anita Bose said- Netaji was made Congress President in 1930, but Gandhiji did not want this. He was also very angry about this.

Question: Do you believe that Netaji was the first Prime Minister of the country? If yes, why didn’t you seek legal help to get them recognized?

answer: Netaji was the President of Congress. The Congress President at that time was considered equal to the President. According to the law of the Government of India, he was equal to the President. However, at present the process of becoming the President is different.

Question: Netaji used to call himself a Hindu. At present, there is a ruckus in the country on the issue of Hindutva. What is your opinion on this?

answer: You can guess for yourself what kind of Hindu Netaji was. Let me remind how he operated the INA. Netaji knew very well about Hindutva. According to me religion is very important, but we should not promote any one religion. By doing this we degrade other religions, it is unbearable. It is very important to keep these things in mind for a good environment in the country.

Question: Is the Modi government giving the freedom fighters of the country their rightful place?

answer: This government should also appreciate the sacrifice of freedom fighters. They should be recognized. The soldiers of INA made no less sacrifices for the freedom of the country. Indira Gandhi was the first Prime Minister of the country who recognized the INA, but she also discriminated that after independence, the soldiers of INA did not join the army. On the contrary, the soldiers who had committed atrocities on the people of their country by staying in the British army were included in the army.

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