Daily Briefing Aug. 24: Even Ben Gvir’s supporters are questioning his competence

Welcome to The Times of Israel’s Daily Briefing, your 15-minute audio update on what’s happening in Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish world, from Sunday through Thursday.

Senior analyst Haviv Rettig-Gur and political and legal correspondent Carrie Keller-Lynn join host Anne Gordon on today’s episode.

The relationship between the United States and Israel is precious, and sometimes finicky. Of course Israel is glad to welcome visiting American dignitaries — but it’s also often on tenterhooks about whether they’ll try to tell Israel what to do (never mind that Israel won’t necessarily listen). New York City Mayor Eric Adams was recently in Israel for three days, and managed those tensions.

When National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir took to the airwaves last night, he expressed his view of Jewish entitlement in Israel and the West Bank, with some divisive, dramatic, and troubling statements. The real question, however, is whether he will yet become a competent minister.

And the next Knesset session is coming fast — after the Jewish holidays in the fall. With the ultra-Orthodox parties looking to cement yeshiva student draft exemptions into law, the coalition and its opponents are expected to face a contentious, complicated winter session.

Discussed articles include:

‘I listened, I didn’t weigh in’: NYC mayor meets protest leaders, PM, a settler head

NYC mayor says he wants to adopt Israeli drone tech for policing

Ben Gvir says his rights outweigh those of Arabs in West Bank

Ben Gvir: There’s a bigger threat than 150 Arabs killed — it could spill over to Jews

Coalition whip: We’ll pass IDF draft law next, then continue with judicial overhaul

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Check out yesterday’s Daily Briefing episode:


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