Dadam Pahad Accident: Now human search machine works in search of life in stones, then sniffer dogs will show the way, speed up relief work even in darkness

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  • Bhiwani-Dadam Mountain Accident Now human search machine will search for a living person, sniffer dog will also help, relief work continues

Bhiwani5 minutes ago

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The search for people buried under the Dadam mountain of Bhiwani continues even at night.  - Dainik Bhaskar

The search for people buried under the Dadam mountain of Bhiwani continues even at night.

The hope of finding life buried in stones in Dadam of Bhiwani, Haryana is going on even in the dark of night. The team engaged in relief work will now check with the human search machine whether any of the buried people are alive or not. If the machine senses the heartbeat of a living human, then sniffer dogs will show the way forward.

The efforts of those involved in NDRF, Army and other relief teams are to find out whether the laborers who are suspected to be buried under the stones are alive or not. On this basis the further investigation will depend. People buried under the rubble in Dadam hill will be searched with the help of sniffer dogs. In no time the team of sniffer dog is going to reach the spot. Apart from this, the activity of living people will be searched by installing a human search machine.

Teams engaged in relief work in Dadam.

Teams engaged in relief work in Dadam.


Teams of NDRF, Army and SDRF have reached the spot. Six Popland machines have been deployed inside the mine to remove heavy stones from above. Stones are being pushed to the side by machines. So far it can take 3 hours for the team to reach the three heavy stones.

Stones will be broken by blasting

Two popland machines and people are buried under three big stones. First of all, the machine will be checked here whether there is any hope of survival or not. If there is no sign of any hope of survival, then large stones will be broken by blasting and pushed to the side. Stones weighing several thousand tons cannot be moved by any machine without breaking them.

The work of removing the stones in Dadam is going on.

The work of removing the stones in Dadam is going on.

Rescue operation will run till late night

The rescue and relief work in Dadam hill will run from 3 to 4 pm. Even after 12 hours, only half the work has been completed. Apart from this, the biggest problem is that huge stones are still lying there. Due to darkness, a generator has been installed on the spot to manage the light.

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