Cycling Tips for Weight Loss: Long Distance or High Duration? what is ideal for beginners

Cycling is a pollution free mode of transport hence it is beneficial for our health as well as environment. Another cool aspect of cycling is that it is economical and economical. The health benefits of regular cycling include increasing muscle strength, flexibility, reduction in stress levels, controlling body fat levels and cardio exercise.

Cycling as a hobby doesn’t help if you plan to improve your health. There are a few other aspects to be aware of in order to make cycling an effective form of exercise. Cycling is a cardio workout that usually starts burning fat after the first 20 minutes. So, make sure to cycle for at least 30 minutes. Here are some tips to make cycling more effective in your weight loss journey.

Tips to make cycling effective

If you are a beginner, start cycling for 20 or 30 minutes and gradually increase your speed and time. Do some stretching exercises before and after cycling, as this helps reduce back pressure and prevents muscle injury. Set a goal to lose one kilo per week. Once you make cycling a habit, you can also increase the distance you travel.

Long way is good for reducing belly fat. Try cycling to work instead of taking a bus or taxi. Experts recommend cycling an average of 20-30 kilometers to lose weight. But instead of focusing on distance, focus should be on the duration of cycling, which should be of an hour or more. It will easily help beginners to improve and reduce their desired weight.

See below health equipment-
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