Cuomo. Long before the turmoil of time – World Latest News Headlines

In the small, under-funded world of women’s charities, Time’s Up was a different one. Its founders included Reese Witherspoon and Oprah Winfrey; Ms. Tchen, its leader since 2019, was Michelle Obama’s chief of staff. organization’s connections, and $24 million The campaign was its selling point. But some power players in the group—including Roberta Kaplan, who stepped down Cuomo this month – as chairman at Fallout – became embroiled in questions of conflict of interest.

Ms Kaplan, a lawyer whose firm represents a top aide of Cuomo accused of trying to defame an alleged victim, was more involved in the administration’s response than earlier reports, according to her and others. He provided the names of potential defense attorneys for the governor, discussing with a colleague what the key was. time up statement Will ask before going public and share with my office.

Tarana Burke, founder of #MeToo and an extended board member of Time’s Up, said in an interview that the group “underestimated” how difficult it would be to work with politicians and corporations that are going to stain you.

Time’s Up helped win a legislative victory in New York, strengthen anti-harassment provisions, and lengthen the statute of limitations for rape; incited Hollywood to hire more female directors and executives; and urged corporations such as McDonald’s to reform their policies. Its most important achievement may be the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund, a separate branch that connects people with workplace misconduct claims, particularly those with low-income women, lawyers and media strategists.

J Elvanger, A Texas Lawyer Those who have represented many women through the fund said it allowed “a woman who doesn’t have—quote—incredible power and connection” to feel that “she can fight for herself and for others.” Since 2018, it has referred more than 4,800 people to lawyers and funded 256 cases.

But in the core organization, current and former staff members said in interviews, priorities were changing rapidly. As efforts to combat harassment expanded to the Equal Pay Initiative and other goals, some felt that Time’s Up lacked a clear road map for its policy goals. And, he said, staff members’ attention was often scattered as they were involved in supporting issues, promoting board members’ pet projects, or public relations campaigns on unrelated topics.

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