Criticism of action against doctor of government hospital for drug stock Nagpur News – Times of India

Nagpur: City doctors rally behind one doctor Of JJ HospitalAgainst whom the Speaker of the Legislative Council has asked the government to conduct an inquiry and take action. The suggestion came after a BJP councilor raised the issue of shortage of medicines in government hospitals.
Vidarbha Hospital Association (VHA) Dr Anoop Marar said, “It is really surprising that instead of fixing the accountability for non-availability of basic medicines in tertiary care in government medical colleges, a doctor who prescribed simple generic medicine for Vitamin C and Calcium etc. He is being humiliated by threats. Of suspension, that too in the August Legislature for this ‘omission’.
Nagpur Indian Medical Association (IMA) President Dr Sanjay Deotale said, “This is absolutely wrong. Why take action against the doctor when it is not his fault? Should doctors stop prescribing drugs?”
Dr Deotale said that it is shocking that even cheap medicines are not available. “The state IMA president and secretary have already written to the chief minister regarding the issue. We condemn the incident and take strong steps by the government,” he said.
On March 13, TOI had highlighted the issue of shortage of medicines in government medical colleges. The delay in procurement of medicines ranges from two months to a year. Government hospitals are grappling with vacancies in drugstores, due to which procurement of key drugs is delayed or often neglected.