Covid Wax Supply Shortage Hamstring Administration Efforts | Ludhiana News – Times of India

LUDHIANA: The district administration had recently indicated that it wants to vaccinate 33,000 people daily, but it is challenging to arrange for vaccines to meet the daily target. Meanwhile, the health department officials do not have stock to vaccinate people on Monday.
The administration had said on June 21 that it wanted to vaccinate 33,000 people daily and the deputy commissioner had asked the local body of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) at least 100 more to meet the target of one million in the next one month. Teams were asked to give Before the expected third wave of Covid-19.
Health department data shows that for most of the days after the district administration’s announcement, vaccinations were less than the desired number, except on July 3, the mega vaccination camp day, when 82,677 persons were caught – the highest in the state. The second highest number was recorded on 7 July, when 24,977 people were vaccinated, although the target was less than 33,000.
On two days – 30 June and 8 July – no vaccination session was conducted due to paucity of vaccine stock in the district. Only 1,229 people were arrested on June 29 and 1,494 on July 6.
“We have proved our capability by vaccinating over 82,000 persons in a day at 308 vaccination sites. We can maintain the numbers but it depends on the supply. We wanted to vaccinate eligible persons this month, but due to non-availability of vaccine, it is out of our control,” said Deputy Commissioner Varinder Sharma. He said that he had received the vaccine stock on 26 June and 2 July and since then he has not received the stock till 10 July.
Health department officials said they have no vaccine for Monday.
Dr Puneet Juneja, District Immunization Officer, said, “We do not have Covaxin dose for the morning and we do not know when we will get the Kovashield stock.” He said that the district administration had planned to get the eligible persons vaccinated by August 15, but it got affected due to shortage of supplies.
Health department officials said that about 24 lakh people above the age of 18 years are to be vaccinated in the district, but the number of those taking the first dose is slightly less than half of the target.
“It is important to vaccinate as many eligible individuals as possible before the third wave. The central government should make adequate supply of vaccines to the health department,” said Dr Sunil Katyal, former president of the IMA.
Residents are waiting for stock.
“When I inquired about the availability of the vaccine, I was told that the health department does not have a Covidshield dosage. I will get the vaccine done when the stock comes,” said Mandeep Singh, a trader in the city.
A calculation by Christian Medical College and Hospital (CMCH) indicates that the third wave is likely to arrive by the last week of September. However, the finding suggested that it could be delayed in Ludhiana if 70% of eligible persons get vaccinated and people follow appropriate COVID treatment.



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