COVID: Geeta Basra asks, ‘Did Harbhajan Singh and I get infected at our Lohri function?’ – Exclusive! – Times of India

It’s not easy with two small kids if both parents are ordered into isolation, but that’s exactly what has happened with India’s former-spinner Harbhajan Singh and his wife Geeta Basra, As we know Geeta and Harbhajan are down with COVID, Well, we spoke to Geeta and she said that it has been a very traumatic time. “The consolation is that Bhaji, I and our children are in Punjab, So, we have a support system of Bhaji‘s parents.”

Geeta said that she suspects that she got infected with the virus at their Lohri celebration. “But then, you cannot back-trace. And mind you, we had called only very few guests.” We had actually thought of having a large celebration but ended up inviting only our close family members.

“Anyway, we are now waiting for a report that says we are negative.” Geeta and Harbhajan got themselves tested about 4 days ago, but the report is still saying ‘positive’.

Symptoms? “Yes, we both had symptoms. Bhaji had fever but luckily, it subsided in one or two days. I had a tougher time besides running temperature, I also developed a sore throat and cough.”

Geeta and Harbhajan are expected to fly back to Mumbai after a few days. “Of course, after our report reads ‘negative’,” Geeta signed off.
