COVID-19 vs Monsoon Flu: How to differentiate between similar looking symptoms?

Monsoon can have a major impact on physical and mental health amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Monsoon brings relief from the scorching heat but also brings many diseases. Symptoms of monsoon diseases can be similar to those of COVID-19, leading to confusion. Therefore, it is important to understand how the two completely different diseases affect the body and what they have in common.

monsoon disease

Monsoon increases the risk of getting infected with many diseases. Some of the most common monsoon diseases include vector-borne diseases like dengue, malaria, chikungunya, viral infections like common cold, viral fever and water infections like cholera, typhoid fever.

Covis-19: a respiratory disease

The COVID-19 virus affects the respiratory system and gradually affects the entire body. COVID-19 can take different forms and affect your system differently. The virus attacks the respiratory system, and subsequently it can cause lung problems in patients, causing severe COVID-19 symptoms such as cough, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, difficulty in breathing. In terms of impact and severity, COVID-19 is a completely different disease from monsoon diseases. However, there are some similarities between the two when it comes to detecting symptoms.

Vector-borne diseases often come with fever, fatigue, joint and muscle pain, which is extremely common in COVID-19 patients. Both COVID-19 and the common cold are respiratory diseases that can cause sore throat, cough, fever and body aches. Viral fever and other diseases such as typhoid and cholera also increase fever, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, weakness, cold, dizziness, sweating, dehydration, weakness and loss of appetite, which can also occur in Kovid-19 patients. Is.

It is very difficult to differentiate between a common cold and a COVID-19 virus. Both diseases attack respiratory health, so the symptoms are very similar, making them even more difficult to differentiate. The symptoms of a cold affect the body suddenly but gradually subside, while the symptoms of COVID-19 can get worse and last for several days, weeks or months. Experts recommend an examination in case of any of the above symptoms.

Additional specific symptoms of COVID-19 can help you identify the source of the illness. Respiratory problems like dry cough, sore throat, loss of smell and taste are all symptoms of COVID-19, which is unusual in dengue patients. However, both dengue and COVID-19 can be identified in a person at the same time.

During monsoon, the common cold becomes a major problem with the increased chances of getting infected with vector-borne diseases like dengue and malaria, therefore, you can take some measures to protect the health of yourself and your family.

What to do to reduce risk?

  • Do not allow fresh water to accumulate in cooler and dark corners.
  • Use mosquito repellent or spray outside.
  • Wearing a full sleevecloth can prevent the risk of dengue.
  • To avoid the risk of getting infected with the Kovid-19 virus, follow the mask, social distancing.
  • Avoid going to crowded places and stay at home.
  • Get yourself and your family members vaccinated for COVID-19.

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