Court ruled: Hatzala must pay MDA NIS 125,000 for defamation

The court ruled that Hatzla must pay Magan David Edom (MDA) NIS 250,000 for defamation on Thursday.

In the 42-page judgment, the judge strongly criticized Hatzala on several counts.

Referring to the fact that Hatzala advertised her phone number in a way that is deliberately misleading, which could lead people to believe that she is the country’s official emergency first responder rather than the MDA, the judge said that “this It has been proved that Hatzala ignored the instructions of the Ministry of Health and continued to advertise his phone number. This action is dangerous and disrupts public peace.”

Regarding Hatzala’s management, “This is about a series of harmful publications that were part of an organized campaign aimed at raising public awareness of Hatzala’s services through the use of defamation and insults to the MDA.”

After an investigation into incidents where Hatzla reported the MDA’s incompetence, it was revealed that the failures were on Hatzla’s side. In the case of the death of a child at the daycare, the court ruled that “From an investigation into the incident at the daycare, it is clear that there were several failures at the hands of Hatzala. for, and it arises that the Hatzala unit did not have oxygen masks for children. The Respondents were left out of the report that they had received earlier calls from the MDA.”

In other stern comments from the court, hatzalah Was reminded that it was initiated by those who live by the rules of the Torah. The court quoted Rambam as saying that defamation is one of the worst sins.

In a statement, the MDA said that “the verdict speaks for itself, and we welcome the court’s decision and are happy that the truth has finally come to the fore. We are sorry that it had to come under legal action, but we will abide by it by defaming it.” Can’t. Good name to MDA and good name of its thousands of employers and volunteers who work day and night to save lives.”

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