Country Corona Updates: After a week, Corona’s graph is below 3 thousand, new cases 2704, more than half the cases in Delhi alone

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A decrease in new cases of corona has been registered in the country on Sunday. In the last 24 hours, 2704 new cases have been reported, while two people have died. After this, the active cases of Corona have increased to 19,486 and the total cases to 43,103,947. So far 524,092 people have died since the start of the corona epidemic.

In terms of Saturday, the new cases have come down to 600. On Saturday, 3451 new cases were reported, while on Friday 3350 and on Thursday 3545 new cases were found.

Highest number of cases in only three states

Let us tell you that 80% of the new cases are from only three states. There are 1422 in Delhi, 513 in Haryana and 224 new cases have been reported in Maharashtra. Not a single death was reported from Corona in Delhi and Haryana, but one death from Corona has been confirmed in Maharashtra. The positivity rate in Delhi has come down to 4.72 percent.

Situation in Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan normal

After the arrival of 27 new cases of corona in Madhya Pradesh on Saturday, the total cases reached 10,41,689 with a positivity rate of 0.3%, while the death toll has gone up to 10,735. At the same time, after the arrival of 91 new cases in Rajasthan, the positivity rate has increased to 1.4. With this, the total cases of corona have increased to 12,84,221 and the death toll has gone up to 9553.

Pakistan also rejected WHO’s claim

The Pakistani government has rejected the WHO report of deaths due to COVID-19 in the country. Questions have been raised on the way the data is collected and the software.

According to Pakistan’s official report, there have been 30,369 deaths while WHO estimated that there have been 260,000 COVID-19 deaths in Pakistan. Accordingly, the figures of WHO are eight times more.

Pakistan’s Health Minister Abdul Qadir Patel said manually collecting data on Kovid deaths can consider a difference of a few hundred but not a difference of millions. The WHO report is completely wrong.

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