Coronavirus Vaccine Side Effects: Will the Vaccine Make You Have a More or More Severe Reaction If You’ve Had COVID (And Why)?

Someone who has had COVID-19, and chooses to get vaccinated within a stipulated time, is bound to experience some side-effects, as expected. However, people with a history of COVID-19 tend to suffer severe reactions and experience acute side effects with their jab. This has been seen not only through anecdotal evidence, but also through numerous research and case studies. In fact, people who have had COVID-19 are more likely to have side-effects than people who have no natural immunity.

According to a study conducted with the administration of the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, which is reportedly expected to arrive in India soon as well, people in the focus group, who had prior experience with the SARS-COV-2 virus, have a common side- Little more than an effect profile. Similar findings have been made among people receiving the Covishield (AstraZeneca) vaccine.

While severe acute side effects can undoubtedly make for an unpleasant experience, one of the primary reasons experts believe that people with a history of COVID-19 get more side effects is because of the memory involved. -Has a level of natural immunity, including B cells. the body. To give you a better perspective, an encounter with COVID builds up natural immunity in the body. Our immunity is made up of strong infection-fighting WBCs, or antibodies, T-cells and memory-B cells. While antibodies may decrease over time, memory-B cells mapped to the system ‘recognize’ signs of infection when an antigen (even if harmless) is introduced through the vaccine. Administration thus triggers the immune system to remember the pathogen, launching more strong and quick-acting antibodies into action, which later appear as side effects of ‘severe’ intensity. Therefore, a person with a history of infection is more likely to register acute reactions, which may be high fever, severe pain, body aches, myalgia, intense weakness, excessive sweating or even gastrointestinal problems.


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