Coronavirus vaccination: What is meant by ‘mix and match’ of COVID vaccines? Is it safe and effective? here’s what we know so far

Authorities in several European countries, including Germany, France, Sweden, Norway and Denmark, are now allowing young people who were previously given the AstraZeneca vaccine as a first dose, to take an alternative vaccine as part of their second vaccine jab . After several cases of rare side effects of blood clotting/bleeding conditions in people vaccinated with AstraZeneca, officials decided to stop the administration of the vaccines. Since then many European countries have been using a mix and match vaccine schedule.

According to a previously published UK study, 830 people over the age of 50 were asked to first get a Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccine, then a second vaccine later. The study found that those who received the mixed dose showed mild to moderate symptoms after their second dose, as opposed to those who received the non-mixed dose. However, according to experts the symptoms were short-lived.

The data so far suggests that the Pfizer shot is safe and effective after the AstraZeneca shot. This combination is also likely to come with temporary side effects such as pain and chills.

Read more: Coronavirus: Vaccines key solution to fight third wave of COVID, say experts


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