Coronavirus: The SARs-COV-2 virus is evolving, becoming more efficient in Hawaii, claims study The Times of India

According to a new study led by a team of researchers from the University of Maryland School of Public Health, people infected with the alpha variant, which was first discovered in the United Kingdom, reported 43 to 100 times more exposure to the air than infected people. Virus expelled. With the original COVID strain.

On top of that, the researchers also found that loose-fitting clothing and surgical masks halved the amount of viral particles released into the air or exhaled by an infected person.

“Our latest study provides further evidence of the importance of airborne transmission,” said Dr. Dawn Milton, professor of environmental health at the University of Maryland School of Public Health.

“We know the delta version now circulating is even more contagious than the alpha version. Our research indicates that as variants are becoming better able to travel through the air, we must provide better ventilation and In addition to vaccination, wearing a tight-fitting mask should help prevent the spread of the virus.”

Read more: COVID-19 in vaccinated versus non-vaccinated people: a comparative guide for who is more at risk
