Coronavirus symptoms: Common signs of infection in vaccinated people The Times of India


Headaches are early symptoms of COVID-19. We all experience headaches from time to time for different reasons. This is why it becomes difficult to differentiate between a common headache and others related to COVID. The only difference is that the headache caused by COVID-19 is persistent and lasts for some time.

running nose

A runny nose is a common symptom of a cold, but it is also marked as an early symptom of COVID-19. Several studies suggest that a runny nose is a typical symptom of the infection in the case of the delta variant. It has been seen in people of all age groups.


Persistent sneezing may also occur with a runny nose. In some cases, sneezing can also be caused by seasonal allergies, which are commonly reported during this season. If you are suffering from allergy problem then it is better to get tested.


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